What if you could get any sound you want ?

From any song you imagine!

This is for you if...

A: You are a producer, singer or songwriter...

who needs help with the technical execution to achieve a specific sound.

B. If you need someone...

who accurately recreates a sound for you.

What I Don't Do.

My work is limited to sound recreation 🪄

Here are some Examples

Here are some Examples 📦


The client sent me this (Heartbreak)

He produced a song in the style of the Backstreet Boys but he was missing the iconic 90s-Drums from Cheiron Studios.


Thats what he got back

So I helped him.


The client sent me this

He produced a song in the style of Luis Fonsi's "Despacito" but he was missing the classic Reggaeton-Drums.


Thats what he got back

So I helped him



The client asked me to recreate the Lead Guitar from Nicky Youre "Sunroof"


Thats what he got back

I sent him this + made a custom tutorial video showing him how he can recreate it himself so he use the FX chain while playing his guitar live.



The client asked me to recreate the Lo-Fi Piano from Charlie Puths "Left Right Left Right"


Thats what he got back

I sent him this + made a custom tutorial video showing him how I recreated it so he simply follow the steps in his DAW.

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